Saturday, May 23, 2009

Week two

It's been now a week and 4 days since the surgery. I can't quite say I feel fantastic, but I guess I feel considerably well given what I went through. The whole thing is almost like a bad dream sometimes. For most parts I have been able to sleep at night in between pills and today I am starting to reduce the amount of pain medicine to see if I can handle the discomfort without actually being in pain. Last Wednesday most of the stitches came off (the knots, I guess, since the rest will just be absorbed by my body). My mom didn't quite approve the stitching pattern, she thought they seemed uneven and random! Leave it to a perfectionist mom to say such things.... My two drains are doing well, and I hope they'll be able to take them off next week. Although I am REALLY NOT looking forward to having them yanked out like weeds from my sides...(ay ay ay!) Last week a friend took my mom and I to a nearby park and I walked for a bit there. We are going there today again. I usually feel fine until I don't. Funny how that happens, uh? So then I have to sit down and breathe. You always read about how being diagnosed with cancer changes one's life. I can't say I have reached that corner, but one thing I can say: It has allowed me to enjoy my husband's, my mother's and my kids' attention much more. But not so in a self-centered manner, rather, in a way that makes me more thankful to have a mother and a husband and kids near me. It makes me want to tell everyone how much each of us should enjoy the company of the people who love us and not take them for granted. I have also been flattered by having so many people being kind to me and my family. We sometimes don't realize how many lives we touch by what we say and do every day. We all have such power to make others feel better or happy! Thank you to all of you who have been there for us. Thank you for the words you've said and sent, thank you for the flowers and the food, thank you for just checking up on me. You all make this journey a bit less difficult. Thank you!

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