Wednesday, May 13, 2009

First Full Day of Recovery by Soul Mate

Time for another update. I know the anticipation and hope this descriptive narrative meets at least some of those expectations. On the purely medical front, Claudia continues to improve. Yes, she can walk again, and made the long sojourn down the hallway (with the assistance of her soul mate of course). See the picture for photographic proof. We stopped looked out the window at the mountains and made the trip back without incident. All biological systems continue to get better, though we have no further professional opinions or statements to pass along. Pain management remains an evolving process with pain losing the battle; nonetheless, we keep our guard up against it reappearing – mostly Claudia’s job.

All the wonderful messages and flowers give Claudia so much happiness and lift her spirit continuously, making soul mate’s role so much easier - Thank You All.

Next update maybe video – if soul mate continues to improve on his multi-media skills. Good Night to All and God Bless.


  1. Good! We are all happy that all went well. I keep reading the updates and the emails to my dad, to keep him with all the info.

    I've tried to call few times but... you were sleep! He, he, he. I think it's a good sign ;)
    I'll try to call again.

    All the love and good vibes to you! I love you!

    P.S. Yumico says hi and wishes you well.

  2. hi Claudia,

    My dad just forwarded your email...What an ordeal! I just signed on to this blogspot thing so you can communicate with me at YOUR convenience. I'm sure you have great doctors but if you or Tim have any question, I'll do my best to answer them.

    Sorry that I've been a terrible letter writer, communicator, and thus, friend. I'll try a little better.

    Touch base with you soon.


  3. simpre feliz y radiante, por eso estas saliendo tan rapido y bein de todo!
