Saturday, May 23, 2009

Week two

It's been now a week and 4 days since the surgery. I can't quite say I feel fantastic, but I guess I feel considerably well given what I went through. The whole thing is almost like a bad dream sometimes. For most parts I have been able to sleep at night in between pills and today I am starting to reduce the amount of pain medicine to see if I can handle the discomfort without actually being in pain. Last Wednesday most of the stitches came off (the knots, I guess, since the rest will just be absorbed by my body). My mom didn't quite approve the stitching pattern, she thought they seemed uneven and random! Leave it to a perfectionist mom to say such things.... My two drains are doing well, and I hope they'll be able to take them off next week. Although I am REALLY NOT looking forward to having them yanked out like weeds from my sides...(ay ay ay!) Last week a friend took my mom and I to a nearby park and I walked for a bit there. We are going there today again. I usually feel fine until I don't. Funny how that happens, uh? So then I have to sit down and breathe. You always read about how being diagnosed with cancer changes one's life. I can't say I have reached that corner, but one thing I can say: It has allowed me to enjoy my husband's, my mother's and my kids' attention much more. But not so in a self-centered manner, rather, in a way that makes me more thankful to have a mother and a husband and kids near me. It makes me want to tell everyone how much each of us should enjoy the company of the people who love us and not take them for granted. I have also been flattered by having so many people being kind to me and my family. We sometimes don't realize how many lives we touch by what we say and do every day. We all have such power to make others feel better or happy! Thank you to all of you who have been there for us. Thank you for the words you've said and sent, thank you for the flowers and the food, thank you for just checking up on me. You all make this journey a bit less difficult. Thank you!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

S+4 –Homecoming by SM

Our fourth day in the hospital started very well with a long walk and doing breathing exercises. Then, Claudia had a little set back; pain is a mysterious creature. Just when you think you’re done, it pops up. After some bed rest and a little medication assistance, Claudia was up and at it again. She took her first post-surgery shower and felt marvelous. What a sense of rejuvenation comes from a shower. Surgical areas looked fine. Late in the afternoon, after a bit more of a rest, Dr Dahan (a wonderful doctor) met with us, reviewed all the charts, gave Claudia another exam, then ok’d her release. Hurray! No more hospital cots for me; Claudia was excited too. So, we packed our belongings quite an ordeal and a near impossible task without the assistance of our great friends and family (Bob, Connie, Sandra, mama Ortega). One small note here, Hummer’s are not good pickup vehicles for those being discharged from the hospital. Thank goodness for Bob’s sedan, easy in and easy out.

We finally arrived home about 5pm last night. After a couple of trips picking up medicines (SM only) and short dinner, we relaxed the evening away and turned in early. The turning in process involved multiple iterations and configurations of pillows, blankets, and assorted support paraphernalia. But, we finally settled into an arrangement and turned off the lights. A good night’s sleep! We still had some late night and early morning medication episodes to attend too, but much better than the hospital routine.

Claudia’s continued resting today and improves by the moment. Whistles and text messages allow for constant attention when she’s retired to the bedroom as getting up and moving around are still a bit of an ordeal. This too will pass in time.
I tried for more pictures and video, but unfortunately none of my efforts turned out very well. Claudia says she may be up on-line by tomorrow and taking care of her updates directly. God Bless to all for your kind thoughts and support as we navigate through these trying times.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

S+3 - Great Progress Continues by SM

No worries on the missed report. Yesterday was a mixture of tough times and good news. Friday started with a small fever and rounds of pain on the right side surgical site. Towards the end of the day, both issues had been resolved. It just took some time to correct. Claudia still managed to get up more and increased her walking too. She’s a real fighter – in a hospital gown kind of way. The doctor continues to be pleased with her progress despite the early day’s events which we saw as a bit of a set back. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on the point-of-view, he explained that it’s simply part of the healing process and the body’s reaction to the recent surgery. Comforting to know yes – helpful in dealing with the pain not so much (Claudia’s view).

Late yesterday afternoon, we called the surgeon’s office for the final pathology report. GREAT NEWS – confirmed no cancerous spread to the sentinel lymph nodes! The rest of the report and efficacy of any chemotherapy will be determined after the follow appointments with the surgeon and oncologist. We celebrated last night – picnic in the room and wine (for Tim). Then, we settled down to watch NCIS episodes on our iPod until late in the evening.
Today we’re focused on preparing to leave the hospital, probably in the late afternoon. So, next update will be early evening. Again thank you all for the thoughts and prayers for Claudia.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

S Day +2 Update by Soul Mate

Day 2+ - the story of continuing progress to full recovery. It has been a day of small mile-stones. Most of the tubes are out, mobility is returning, and spirits remain high. The plastic surgeon, aka Dr Dahan, gives Claudia high marks for her post-op recovery and has helped in the continuing pain management regiment. All the little normal movements we take for granted now come with a cost. It’s an old cliché – no pain, no gain. She says she knows exactly what that cartoon character that has had an anvil dropped on chest feels like. Nonetheless, Claudia persists in getting back up on her feet and striving to be better than she was before. It’ll be a while, but my bias personal opinion predicts she’ll make that goal.

Again, I want to thank everyone for their support. Life becomes even more important when you realize at times like these the great people who have become part of your life.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

First Full Day of Recovery by Soul Mate

Time for another update. I know the anticipation and hope this descriptive narrative meets at least some of those expectations. On the purely medical front, Claudia continues to improve. Yes, she can walk again, and made the long sojourn down the hallway (with the assistance of her soul mate of course). See the picture for photographic proof. We stopped looked out the window at the mountains and made the trip back without incident. All biological systems continue to get better, though we have no further professional opinions or statements to pass along. Pain management remains an evolving process with pain losing the battle; nonetheless, we keep our guard up against it reappearing – mostly Claudia’s job.

All the wonderful messages and flowers give Claudia so much happiness and lift her spirit continuously, making soul mate’s role so much easier - Thank You All.

Next update maybe video – if soul mate continues to improve on his multi-media skills. Good Night to All and God Bless.

Post Surgery Report by Tim

Last night Claudia underwent her surgery from approximately 5:30p to 11:15p, including post-op time. We got her settled into her room about mid-night. Both surgeons met with me after the surgery and explained that all went accordingly to plan without any difficulties or complications. The preliminary test last night on the Sentinel Lymph Nodes came back negative for any cancer spread. We have to wait though for the final pathology report (due by the end of the week) to know for sure about any cancerous spread. What, if any, chemotherapy treatment will be determined with the oncologist in a few weeks.

Claudia is resting now and will probably remain in the hospital until the weekend. She wants to thank everyone for all the love, kind thoughts, prayers and support shown to her. She is really quite overwhelmed by it all, but it gives her (and I) strength knowing what wonderful family and friends we are blessed to have.

Monday, May 11, 2009

There's no looking back

I spent the last weekend shopping, eating, cleaning house (rearranging house) and driving. The ride home is only 15 minutes, but I looked for paths where I could speed. Took the top down and cruised along. No looking back. Pump up the volume. Freedom! ~ My friends organized a party for me on Friday. Tim was asking if this was a boob wake, and I said it was a boob shower. Ha! I was surprised to receive gifts, its was like a birthday party! It was very sweet from my friends to do this somewhat unconventional party, but, it did the trick. We laughed and talked and drank wine! ~
Surgery is scheduled for 5 p.m. May 12, but I have to check in at noon for a 2:30 sentinel node injection. Not looking forward to that, at all. At least I can have breakfast before 8! Small pleasures... ~ I am surprised I am not much more anxious than what I am, but then again, I am an expert at hiding such feelings. Me? stressed out? nah! Ok. Maybe a little. ~ The surgery will last about 3 hours. Main surgeon takes breasts out, plastic surgeon cuts Latissimus Dorsi muscle (in the picture) and wraps it around the expanders (funky ballons in picture) that replace of my old, not so good boobs (although I still love them). They wrap me all up and send me to my room, all in about 3 hours. Plus one hour of me coming to it, that will be close to 10 or 11 p.m. getting into the room and bed. I wonder if some tequila would be out of the question? ~ Anybody can call and come see me, but good luck getting a coherent sentence out of me. All I say is don't make fun of me and don't write on my face with a sharpie (or anything else, for that matter). Or else. After that I should stay in the hospital for 2 or 3 nights, hopefully connected to the morphine drip. ~ Going home will be another story.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Staying in bed

Taking time off to relax is always interesting. You find yourself in a beautiful place and all you can think of is to run around exploring. The thought of just stay in bed all day is appealing and disgusting at the same time! Stay in bed and waste my time here, in this beautiful place? How can anybody do that? Welcome to everyday decisions. We can never be sure we're making the right one, but we have to be confident so we can deal with the consequences. And if you think about something too much, every decision seems correct, and it becomes more and more difficult to decide. Life is nothing but a set of multiple options. The end game being learning the most, experiencing the most, improving the most. It's about who we are and how we deal with things coming our way. Even when we rather not learn, experience or improve. Even when we'd rather stay in bed...