Saturday, April 11, 2009

Nothing to it

So, I survived having a reaction to the "you-will-not -feel-anything" radioactive shot last Tuesday. Nasty headache compounded by a very detached technician who felt unnecessary to tell me I really didn't have to be stiff for a whole hour while she did the bone scan. The thought of having to be deal with this every time I go into another new experience makes me mad. It's not like I don't have anything else to think about, you know?

But, like I said, I survived. Yoohoo! Now it's back to reading a few hundred pages on my new favorite topic. MRI scheduled next week. Must make decision the following week. It's interesting to see how two options have a myriad of sub-options attached to it — way too many. You don't even want to know (but this even includes switching sides on the bed with my husband...sure! why not, let's change everything! I was bored with it the way it was! Good grief.


  1. You should demand that every doc or technician explain everything until you understand it. You're the customer, not just the patient. There's a book you might want to read that was made into a movie, A Taste of My Own Medicine, about a doctor who finds himself on the other end of the stethoscope.

  2. If you have time call Sally di Lipkau she really is such a blessing. Her husband Ross married her after she had had breast Cancer. I think I can safely tell you this because she spoke about what a wonderful humorous man he was at a tribute given for her seven years ago. His response to her was well, "Do you have any teeth". People are so amazing and wonderful. Humor was her advice and you already have plenty of that. Talking about humor, I'd love to make a meal for you. I hope you have a bulletproof stomach! Only a few people have gone on to live normal lives after my cooking. My dad used to tell me to pretend that I am someone else when stressed.
    My dad also used to question the need to urinate into an empty lipstick tube when he was in the hospital. I always thought he was a genius. Well we love you... I am sure you have lots of physicians to ask, but if you can't find one. I can. Love you Patty
